Go to the EcoElectricity Content in plugins folder.
In the blueprints folder find you all devices. Place all on the map. The BP_Lantern is only a example.
You need a Wind Directional Source on the map for the wind turbine.
Select the Transformer on the Map and create a array element in the Electricity Source and paste the Solar Panel or the Wind Turbine what on the map placed or you make “Get all auto” on and it takes all from the map
Now select the Fuse Box and paste the Transformer and the ElectroMeter in the Electricity Source
If you now want to supply a device with electricity, then add the Electricity component to the respective actor.
Insert this device on the map and select it and click on Electricity. Now you can select the respective FuseBox from the map under Electricity Source.
You can find examples of everything in the example project.
You have found bugs or something that should not be ? Then send a PM to @ModMail via Discord.