HappyTurtle Interactive

1. Please keep it civil and treat others with respect.

2. No NSFW or NSFL content

3. No spamming

4. This server may not be used for self-promotion or any other type of advertising.

5. No political or religious discussion

6. Please only use English or German in the respective channel.

7. Do not harass the developers or moderation team.

8. No sexism

9. No homophobic

10. No Racism

11. Please use the channels as intended.

12. Just think a few times before you write something.

13. To contact the staff write a DM to @ModMail (Private DMs are ignored from Devs and Mods).

14.These rules will be adjusted over time, so please check back from time to time.

In case of violation

1. Violation ▸Warning

2. Violation ▸Kick

3. Violation▸Ban