HappyTurtle Interactive


Add BP_Compass to your character and then to mesh as a child. Add to your skeleton a socket and select in BP_Compass Parent Socket the socket what you created.

Then add to your char after the event begin play this. Make sure you have add a northpoint to the map and select it in the function “Set Compass”.

Make a key for the compass and create four custom events:

– SRV PlayAnimMontage (Replicates: Run on Server)

– Client PlayAnimMontage (Replicates: Multicast)

– SRV OpenClose (Replicates: Run on Server)

– Client OpenClose (Replicates: Multicast)

Then connect the new key event what you created with SRV PlayAnimMontage and the key for open close compass with the SRV OpenClose like the pictues

Now connect SRV PlayAnimMontage -> Client PlayAnimMontage Client PlayAnimMontage -> FlipFlop A -> Play Anim Montage (AnimMontage = AM_HoldCompass) -> Set Visibility (New Visibility = true) from Get BP Compass FlipFlop B -> Stop Anim Montage (AnimMontage = AM_HoldCompass) -> Set Visibility (New Visibility = false) from Get BP Compass

SRV OpenClose -> Client OpenClose Client OpenClose -> OpenClose Compass from Get AsCompass

If you want a glow effect in the night then here a example

War dieses Dokument hilfreich?